Friday, December 18, 2009

Remember the Key is Oneness

Many of us have been experiencing highs and lows of energy and moods. Sometimes it feels like we are in a whirlwind, as if a tornado is spinning around us and then at other times we are in an oasis, in the eye of a storm. Many are experiencing big shifts and changes as relationships fall apart and income streams disappear. Stress and fear levels are running very high. We are going through a death and rebirth process.

As part of this process, we are learning to take responsibility for ourselves and to let go of feeling responsible for others. No one is responsible for anothers experience. Blaming others is the flipside of thinking someone needs our help. The best we can do for someone who is in any kind of pain is to hold a sacred space for them to find their way and offer prayers to those who are struggling. We all have our own individual journeys and we touch into each others experiences as we co-create our world. In the whirlwind, our stories and emotions are activated, challenging us to forgive, release, and grow.

When we're in the oasis, it is a good time to radiate that peace we feel out into the world, adding that soothing energy of peace that we feel to the energy of peace that flows through the Earth's aura, available to anyone who may need it. I find myself filling up with the energy of love when I think of this, no matter what I'm experiencing. Love is healing, love is expansive and love feels good. This is the high vibration that matches the innocent energy of love that is radiating throughout the Universe, coming directly from Creator Source. We are becoming love.

Many of One

We see gentle waves of energy flowing, constantly flowing throughout the galaxy, throughout the solar system, flowing to the earth and flowing through humanity and all life forms. These waves of energy carry gifts. You are being offered choices. Pay attention to what appears in your own world of consciousness. Look at every offer, every opportunity. What is new? What will stretch your experience? Be mindful of new people coming into your life. Many offer opportunities as catalysts of change and growth. New doors opening, new pathways to explore. As your vibration increases, you will see much change in your lives. Some of it may cause stress, but know that within these changes is the phoenix rising to create a new life of love and joy. New structures are forming to match the high vibration you are embodying.

The old ways are dying. If you find yourself in a fear storm, breathe deeply, it will bring calmness to you. Change can be frightening, but it also energizes. Here is your opportunity to create a new life from your deepest truth. What do you love to do? What brings you joy? Move towards that which energizes you. You may not know where it will take you, but trust that doors will open if you are following your heart, your truth.

Any element that does not ring true to your soul will not be sustained. There can be no more "faking it." Inauthentic choices will backfire. These experiences are your great teachers. All inauthentic choices contain possibilities for self knowledge.

All are connected. We are connected to each other through the energetic light of Spirit. We all come from the same source, to earth to experience the sensual physical manifestation of spirit filling the physical body with consciousness. We came down to earth, each of us a spark of the Divine, a star shining forth through the physical body, the light shining from our eyes out into the world. Indeed we are coming alive, coming into true aliveness as awareness grows and expands throughout our being. We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Words you may have heard many times take on deeper meaning, the energy of the words goes to a deeper level. "We are the ones."

As you allow your higher self, your Soul self to come into your being, you receive energetic shifts and alignments. You may be feeling dizzy at times and this will pass. You may have been experiencing the inner earthquakes as you are stretched and expanded as flashes of extreme heartburn, swollen or painful feet. These are signs of your expansion. Your physical body is releasing dense energies as your vibration rises. The discomfort will fade away and suddenly you will notice that you haven't thought about pain because it is no longer there.

As Above, So Below

As you advance on the trail of your journey, you are walking parallel pathways; all advancing together towards the circle of light at the center, coming out of the jungle into the fire circle. This is a place in the etheric realm and this is a place within your hearts. It will feel familiar; you may see it in your dreams. The light of this fire circle is shining out into the jungle, through the trees, guiding you forward. You may see your brothers and sisters as you peer through the trees. Each has a unique path of light to follow. You are connected heart, mind and soul.

This is why many feel the importance of community, of sharing your experiences together, which is helpful for your individual journeys. It can get very dark and tangled at times and you may find yourselves struggling with inner demons, which are thought forms, memories, energies from long ago, perhaps other lifetimes. You may trip over roots, get tangled in thorns and feel very alone.

All your guides are with you to help light your way. They truly are there with you, along with angelic presences from the realms of love and light. When you call for their help, they come to you. Breathe very deeply - practice conscious breathing - you will be amazed at how deep, slow breathing will calm your mind. Bring your attention into your heart. Allow your heart to guide you.

All judgment disappears as you make your journey towards the center of the circle. This is the purpose of the clearing process you have been going through. It is to move you into a place of total self love and acceptance. The center of the circle is the heart of unconditional love. You are raising your vibration so that you can resonate with this center. At the center of the circle, in the Light is where you will blend with Spirit. It will be as if your physical body disappears as you blend with the ocean of One. This is the ultimate in intimacy (into me see). We wanted to give you a picture to hold in your hearts. This is coming home.

In the center of the circle, all blend together as One. Each of you maintains your unique energetic signature as you merge with one another. You will come through this transformation to the other side and that is when the fun truly begins, for you will see yourselves in other people's eyes - no longer will you feel the separation that has been part of the human experience for thousands of years. Courage, faith and trust will bolster you during this transformational time as you undergo your own personal death and rebirth.

You are beautiful souls, we wish for you to love yourselves as we do, to see yourselves as we see you. You are not alone and your energy and intention touches the whole as you all advance together in holographic unity. You will begin to witness more and more your interconnections with each other. Celebrate the moments of synchronicity that bring you into alignment with one another.

All are being called now. All are being asked to rise up and receive your spiritual heritage. Much beauty and joy await you. Begin to feel it now. Allow the winds of change to blow away your cares and worries and find that place of innocence and wonder within as you look at the world with new eyes, as you see with the eyes of a child.

Rev. Paul E. Jones
Gracewatcher Ministries

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