Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Grandmothers' July Message: America

I went to the Grandmothers and asked, "Our country, Grandmothers. What can we do to bring the heart and soul back to our country? We are a ship without a rudder, scattered in our beliefs, discouraged, worried and afraid. How can we bring America back to a high moral code, to a generous and peaceful heart?"

"Your country is suffering," they said, and as they spoke I saw Lady Liberty, her head hanging low, her gown torn and dirty and her face stained with tears. "You are correct in asking this question," the Grandmothers said, eyeing me with serious looks. "America has lost heart. She became distracted from the things she really values by the entertainments and fads of the moment. A spiritual malaise now hangs over your land," they said and shook their heads. "Yes, Grandmothers, I know, I know," I said, impatience in my voice. "That's why I came to you. But what I'm asking is, what can we do to help heal our country? "

Immediately I saw the Great Plains states and the fertile soil of the Midwest. Tractors drove across fields, through rich croplands. "There is nothing wrong with your land," they said. "This land is good, but the land itself has not been respected," they said. "And when the land, rivers and lakes are not respected, how can you expect the people themselves to be respected? This is a rich and beautiful country," they said, "but how many of you ever think of that? How many actually love the land they live on?" they asked. "How many of you even give a thought to the land you live on?

"Start here," they said, "if you want to redeem your country. Start with reverence for the physical land of your country. Reverence for the trees on your street, for the water you drink and the food you eat. All of this comes from the land itself," they said. "YOU come from the land itself. You come from Mother Earth. How many of you have thanked your mother lately?" they asked and raised their eyebrows for emphasis. "Start to redeem your country by holding reverence and gratitude for the land you live on," they said. "Start here. And start soon."

Since the Grandmothers told me this, I have become intensely aware of the land I'm standing on, sitting on or driving through. Noticing it and thanking it, I'm starting now.