Sunday, June 24, 2012

Planetary Energies for June 25 to July 1, 2012

Astrology Journal
Written by Pam Younghans
Photo: Aurora borealis on June 17 as seen from Marquette, Michigan (photo by Shawn Malone)

THE EFFECTS of the Pluto-Uranus square we talked about in last week's Journal will continue this week. This is, after all, a Major Astrological Event, which means its influence far outlasts the one day when it is exact.

Throughout the coming days and weeks, other planets will also act as "triggers" to the energies of the Pluto-Uranus square. This occurs when those third-party planets interact with the two main players in our drama, and become conduits for manifestation. This week, the asteroid Pallas Athena plays the role of triggering influence on Monday, and the Sun takes over the job on Friday.

THE PRESSURE for change is immense with these planetary interactions in full effect. Pluto's influence can feel hypnotic, mesmerizing, even obsessive. When the god of the underworld is working directly with us, there may be a specific idea, project, or interpersonal interaction that seems to take over our lives, so that there's barely room to focus on anything else.

For many people, Pluto is bringing to the surface a pattern, perhaps long hidden or ignored, that has been undermining our personal power and our ability to take charge of our lives. We may have abdicated our authority in some way over the years, "hiding our light under a bushel" and needing the validation of others' apparent expertise and validation to feel empowered to do our work in the world.

Or, on a personal level, we may have given away our power so completely that we have ceased to honor ourselves and our own needs. In the extreme, we may even find ourselves unsure of what our needs are.

NOW, with Pluto in Capricorn tearing down structures that have become limiting and disempowering, the results of these types of patterns are exaggerated. There may be interpersonal struggles occurring as the baton of power and authority is changing hands.

In our professional lives, an external force may seem determined to deny us something that we clearly know we can claim as our own, pushing us to acknowledge our own expertise and authority so that we no longer need to (or can) rely on external validation from those we once respected. And, in our personal lives, we may be seeing the clear results of having denied our own strength, and having built relationships based on the untruth that we are dependent on the authority seemingly held by others.

And that's just the Pluto side of the equation. Any wonder life seems a bit overwhelming these days?

URANUS is also dedicated to making changes in the status quo, although with a somewhat different motivaton and goal. Whereas Pluto wants to empower us to take charge of our lives, Uranus wants to liberate us to live our lives according to our own dictates. Uranus is working to free us from the restrictions and controls of society, the expectations of other individuals, and even our own fears of change.

To that end, if we have ignored our need for change over the years, Uranus can seem to pull the rug out from under an area of life that until now has felt stable. If this occurs, it is often our higher self's last-ditch effort to get us moving in a new direction.

Or, Uranus transits can correspond with such intense feelings of restlessness and dissatisfaction, that we ourselves pull the rug out, no longer caring whether life is stable or not. This is when we can look "crazy and selfish" to others who are not experiencing a direct Uranus transit, because we seem to have little or no concern about the aftermath -- all we know is that we need out, NOW.

WE CAN SEE both Pluto and Uranus behind many of the rebellions, uprisings and financial or governmental collapses that have occurred around the globe over the past 16 months, since Uranus entered Aries and started preparing for this interaction with Pluto. And, perhaps, you can see these two planets at work in your own life, with small or large rebellions and power struggles manifesting.

Our job is to remember the greater purposes of whatever is occurring now, to know that the power struggles are clearing the way for us to feel more empowered going forward -- and, to be aware that the restlessness and uncertain circumstances are showing us where we are ready for change, even if our conservative or fearful side is digging in its heels.

FOR THE ISSUES that we are already processing and releasing, we may very well see change and resolution fairly quickly, most likely during the next three months. The second Pluto-Uranus square occurs in mid-September, acting as the mother bird who finally kicks out of the nest the fledglings who have resisted taking flight.

For the larger-scale global issues, we may also see some progress over the next few months. But, we need to remember that Pluto and Uranus have just begun their work with us. There are a total of seven squares between these two planets from 2012 to 2015, indicating that a time of Great Transformation is underway.

And, when we look at the large issues that need resolution -- our treatment of the environment, the equal rights of all peoples, etc. -- we can even be grateful that Pluto and Uranus have dedicated their energies to working with us over an extended time, to help us manifest a new age of liberation and empowerment.

THE REPLAY of my recent teleclass on "Navigating the Changes in the Last Six Months of 2012" is still available! Your purchase of the teleclass recording ($25) provides you with the mp3 audio replay and a pdf of the slideshow. It also enables you to receive the Special Teleclass Discount on your Personal Transits Reading (if I receive your email by July 15).

If you're interested, please send me an email at, and we'll talk details!



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