Sunday, February 26, 2012

Planetary Energies for February 27 to March 4, 2012

Astrology Journal
Written by Pam Younghans
Photo: Graphic showing tonight's alignment of the Moon and Jupiter, with Venus below

SKYWATCHERS have been enjoying the show over the last few days, with the Moon first aligning with Venus (Feb 25 at 11am PST) and then aligning with Jupiter (Feb 26 at 7:43pm PST). We'll see an encore of this show in March -- Jupiter and Venus will be exactly conjunct on March 13, and the Moon will again align with the two planets on March 25 and 26.

Even though the skies may look fairly similar in both time frames, with the Moon, Venus and Jupiter in close proximity of each other, my sense is that we'll feel the effects of these alignments a bit more profoundly in March than we do in February.

VENUS IS CLOSE to Jupiter right now (and getting closer every day), but they are still in different signs -- Venus in late degrees of Aries and Jupiter in early degrees of Taurus. The two planets are trying to make connection so that they can dance together, but Venus is dancing hip-hop while Jupiter is dancing the fox trot.

There is both promise and a bit of frustration in this energy. We may feel hopeful but not yet know how to manifest what we want. Still, hopefulness is a positive feeling that will benefit our longer-term prospects, if we can hold the frustrations lightly.

By the time of the March alignment, Venus and Jupiter will both be in Taurus, and dancing to a similar vibration. They will also both be trine Pluto and trine Mars, creating a Grand Earth Trine in the heavens.

That means we'll have more to write about in a few weeks! But for now, we can enjoy the visual beauty of the alignment and allow that feeling of expansiveness to fill our beings, opening the space within for the opportunities that the Grand Earth Trine in March represents.

WE HAVE A MIXED BAG of planetary aspects this week, a few challenges and a few opportunities jumbled in together. On Monday, a Pluto-Sun sextile provides us with an opportunity for positive change, if we are willing to risk letting go of what has been. That sounds easy enough, and yet when we are asked to let go of previous self-definitions, we often tend to dig in our heels.

This planetary combination represents a new door that we can enter, if we are willing to risk the changes involved. A sextile not a major influence, but can manifest circumstances where we clearly have a choice of whether we stay in the old ways or embrace the new.

With the Sun in Pisces, those choices may involve our ability to hold compassion for ourselves and others without slipping into martyr or victim roles. It can also help us see where our efforts to support and assist others may have been enabling them to stay in disempowerment.

MERCURY ENTERS ARIES this coming Friday, a shift that usually encourages us to go forward with plans for new projects. But, we only have to flip forward a few days on the calendar to see that Mercury is going to go retrograde (backward) on March 12.

By April 4, when Mercury ends its retrograde phase and starts moving forward again, the planet will be back to where it is right now (February 26-27). This means that any projects or plans we initiate this week, and for the next four weeks, may need to be revised or go through another review phase before they can be fully implemented.

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY appear to be the most energized days astrologically this week. The Mars-Sun opposition on Saturday pushes us to find a balance between control and allowing, and may bring up some frustrating circumstances that will help us gauge where we are in that balance.

Also on Saturday, Uranus aligns with Vesta in Aries, renewing our commitment to our independence and autonomy. This alignment may encourage us to detach from circumstances that do not support our search for greater authenticity and freedom. It can also help us expand our intuitive knowing of what we really want and need in our lives.

AT THE SAME TIME (exact early Sunday), we will also be feeling the effects of a Venus-Saturn opposition. Venus in Aries proclaims our need for short-term romance and excitement within our relationships, while Saturn in Libra reminds us of the importance of long-term commitment, responsibility and stability.

This opposition challenges us to observe where we are in allowing these two opposites to co-exist within important relationships in our lives. If we unsatisfied in our relationships with significant others, we may want to consider if one of these two very different but equally valid needs is not being met.

If the relationship has a strong foundation, the discussions that occur with this planetary line-up can increase our understanding of each other and pave the way for greater mutual fulfillment in the months to come.



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