Sunday, December 26, 2010

Astrological Energies December 27, 2010 to January 2, 2011

Astrology Journal
Written by Pam Younghans
Photo: Last week's Total Lunar Eclipse, as seen from Elvenes, Kirkenes, Norway (photo by Bengt W. Siiri)

WE EXIST NOW in that "nowhere land" between eclipses, with one foot still residing in the past -- albeit tentatively -- and the other foot poised to leap into the future. These themes are echoed by the shift we make this week from the old calendar to the new, even as we absentmindedly continue to write "2010" instead of "2011" for the next week or two (or more).

Monday brings us the Last Quarter Moon, the check-in point between the Lunar Eclipse on December 21 and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on January 4. By now we should have a fair idea of what that Gemini Lunar Eclipse was about for each of us as individuals -- if not intellectually, at least energetically.

MANY OF US have seen how our minds can run the show, convincing our hearts to close down and our fears to run rampant. We've also, hopefully, had at least a moment or two when the grace of Peace blossomed into our beings, interrupting the ongoing mental and emotional barrage, and inviting new understanding and wisdom into the space that was created.

Having had moments of contact with a more cohesive aspect of our being, we can now recall that sense memory whenever it is needed. With the upcoming Solar Eclipse being in Capricorn, our challenge is to ground and solidify this new, more substantial and aware version of ourselves, one that is not thrown off center by upheaval in the environment or in other people.

THE URANUS-MARS quintile on Monday offers assistance in finding new, creative ways to move forward in our lives, ways that come from our hearts rather than from our fears. This may feel unfamiliar at first -- but unfamiliar is not the same as "wrong" or "bad."

My sister Lani is a fitness/nutrition coach, and her weekly newsletter for this past week talks about this very thing. Her advice for 2011? "Move outside your comfort zone."

She elaborates:

"...that's how you know you're doing something right if you are seeking change -- you are going to experience some discomfort. To not experience these growing pains would be to just stay where you are."

(To read Lani's complete newsletter, please click here: FitDream Ezine)

I WOULD SAY that this week is a great time to consider how to move outside of our set patterns of thinking and behavior. We might go as far to call these "new year's resolutions," but with this recent eclipse in Gemini (and more to come), I consider these personal directives far more important than the typical promises we often make and then only keep for a week or two.

The efforts we make now to change our thinking and to move into our heart's wisdom will have an important ripple effect throughout the year to come. After all, both Neptune and Chiron will be moving into Pisces soon, calling us to rely more and more on our spiritual connection and guidance as our physical reality seems to become less stable and reliable.

WEDNESDAY of this coming week seems to be a shift point. Mercury goes direct, having been retrograde (moving backward) since December 10. This in itself is an indicator that we have completed our review process and are ready to start planning for the future.

Also on Wednesday, Saturn squares Mars. There may be some frustrations associated with this aspect (aren't we there YET?!!!), but we can also look at it as an opportunity to settle some conflicts or to find solutions to some obstacles that have been bothering us for quite a while.

Happy last few days of the year, everyone!



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