Monday, December 27, 2010

2011 To-Do List

HANG ON because time, reality, consciousness, ascension/evolution is going to speed up another 20-fold faster on March 9, 2011. Sensitive people have been feeling it building during the Fall months of 2010, but it will fully arrive on March 9, 2011.

Read that first one again because it's the most powerful and important 2011 change for us all.

Because of this final 20-fold increase Lightworkers/Starseeds/Wayshowers and Indigos are going to begin having more new and unusual Multi-D perceptions, experiences, and consciousness.

Many more "regular" people will suddenly be activated by this final March 2011 20-fold increase and will become confused and probably frightened by all it will produce individually and collectively.

Positive ascension changes AND the simultaneous dismantling, "falling" negative things (people, systems, beliefs, etc.) will both increase with the start of 2011. "It is the best of times and the worst of times."

Jan. 1, 2011 is a 1-1-11 day! Lightworkers/Starseeds/Wayshower who've been living the Ascension Process since 1999 will fully enter a new level and phase of our Planetary Mission and our Teaching & Guidance Work will adjust to reflect this final 20-fold increase period.

Adapt to simply feeling and knowing more, being energetically larger, having more High Heart Consciousness, and being more consciously interactive with your Higher Self.

Master remaining within your High Heart Consciousness Center no matter what's happening around you physically, emotionally, psychically or energetically. Maintain it throughout 2011's even faster transitions.

Practice and master discernment. Allow other parts of yourself to inform you that are not your familiar but lower frequency left-brain intellect and ego.

The Dark (negative) non-physical beings and physical humans are and will become more frantic and bold because their time and food source is ending here so be aware and wise but do not fall back down into the lower frequency of fear or dis-empowerment etc. This phase won't last long.

Be prepared on multiple levels for greater increases in severely polarized consciousness, mental, emotional, physical instability and/or violence in lower frequency and consciousness people and negative world-wide systems. They're having their growing difficulties due to the increasing and unrelenting higher energy pressures and many cannot make this final huge transition into a world and reality of Light. This too is normal at this point and they will go elsewhere to continue so don't be concerned.

Be prepared on multiple levels for very pleasant new multidimensional experiences, visions, feelings, smells, sounds, discoveries, and profoundly deeper level knowing. Deeper level knowing is much more vast and multidimensional—not to mention free—than old 3D egoic, intellectual, left-brained thinking and costly memorization of specific distorted information.

Expect greater magnetic changes on Earth, increased solar activities and continued light changes, increased unusual deep-space, cosmic and Galactic activities, energies, lights, movements, changes in orbits and locations, planetary axial tilt correction etc. Simultaneously expect greater changes in your awareness of linear time, of moving out of it and into non-linear quantum and Multi-D states of awareness. Don't become lost or frightened during the increasing moments when you're consciously aware of vibrating/spinning/existing well outside old familiar linear 3D Earth time and polarized consciousness boarders. We'll all adapt to this quickly and wonder how we ever lived without it!

Sudden major expansions in human consciousness/awareness will begin with 2011. This will be both wonderful and frightening for many people. Even many people who've been aware of the Ascension Process will be surprised by the many changes and speed of them that 2011 will bring.

Learn to hold your Ascended Self Individuality (highest Leo) while allowing all others to learn and do the same. Ascended Individuals learning to function within complex and growing 5D (highest Aquarian) Groups. Aquarius/Uranus and Leo/Sun energies but within an ascended 5D level, not a old lower 3D one.

Be prepared to make further changes—residence, employment, unemployment, career, schooling, beliefs, expectations, plans, income, money, friends, family etc. Help 2011 and the Lightworkers/Starseeds/Wayshowers by being far more open to vastly higher, better, more evolved ways to live and be. Expect much higher which means letting go of even more old lower world beliefs and ways of living and being. Be brave and release even more so that much better can take its place.

Expect things to change (evolve) throughout 2011 much quicker than what some people and channeled beings have predicted.

Increasing numbers of people will begin consciously (and through their dreams) seeing multidimensionally and communicating with certain non-physical, other-dimensional Starbeings, ETs, Others. In 2011 "Universal Society" will slowly begin in increasing numbers of Individuals who are energetically and psychologically capable of consciously perceiving (and interacting with) much larger and more complex levels of Multi-D reality. As more people are energetically and psychologically capable of perceiving more and more Multi-D reality, they too will begin to sense, feel, see and eventually communicate telepathically with some of the numerous other-dimensional Others all around us. This must be energetically earned first however to prevent psychological and/or energetic damage or shock to the ascending human.

We've going to move through this last intense, more compressed, and 20-times faster phase and not become lost within this Completion Process. This is where our own High Heart Consciousness will repeatedly remind us where the new ascended Center is and to use it as our primary navigational tool.

March 9, 2011 humanity enters the Mayan calendar's Ninth Wave or last 20-fold completion and evolutionary increase period. Only days later on March 13, 2011, Uranus (the planet that rules Aquarius) enters Aries. It takes Uranus seven years to transit through one zodiacal sign.

January 23, 2011 Jupiter enters Aries. Typically it takes Jupiter one year to transit through one zodiacal sign.

Chiron has been in Aquarius since Feb. 22, 2005 and on Feb. 10, 2011 it enters Pisces. Chiron will be in Pisces for the next eight years or so.

On April 5, 2011 Neptune (the planet that rules Pisces and the ending Age of Pisces) enters Pisces. It takes Neptune 14.5 years to transit through one zodiacal sign. As you can see, 2011 begins with plenty of important astrological sign/energy changes that will help us transition through the multiple Mayan calendar completions cycles in a very short and intense period.

With Uranus and Jupiter back in Aries, Saturn in Libra (the opposite sign to Aries), Pluto in Capricorn, and Chiron and Neptune moved into Pisces, 2011 is going to be very much about sudden expansions of consciousness (fifth-dimensional High Heart Consciousness) in vastly more people world-wide. Also the continued but more compressed collapsing of all negative global systems, structures and beliefs...the ending of the past 2,100-year long Piscean Age. And with Chiron and Neptune entering Pisces at this time, humanity will finally Individually become integrated Spiritual Beings on their own and realize they know this as inner living personal truth as opposed to continuing to believe deliberate religious lies that have convinced them they need a intermediary between themselves and anything spiritual.

Hang on yet be flexible because 2011 is going to be one very fast and intense year of transition.


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