September (30/3) You end the year you started last October with the energies of celebration and creative expression of yourself. These can be very restless energies so part of your process is to learn how to stay centered within the energies of joy. Rely on your intuition and Inner Guidance for direction at this time. The more you are willing to be who you are the more joy, harmony and peace will come to you and your relationships will blossom and bring happiness and fulfillment. Your goal is to integrate and be your Spirit expressing through your physical experiences.
SEPTEMBER 1 to SEPTEMBER 4, 2010 (94/13/4)
You start with the intensity of evolved karmic energies of Transformation and Release to release the old and rebirth the new you. You may find your aversion to injustice heightened so use these intense energies to empower you to do whatever you can to right that injustice. You are the bringer of new and wonderful forces of cooperation, harmony and responsibility. Let that guide you in your choices. Remember that change is synonymous with transformation. You have built a firm foundation of Spiritual forces and have the power of perfected personal expression and selfless organization. You begin with the intensification of these energies by the Master Builder energies which push you to step into the transformation you have chosen and build "your way" into your life to choose things which will benefit all of humanity, including yourself. You move to a day that brings you a strong sense of adventure in the change so any "conflicts" will be to show you where you still are clinging to the "old way" so you can transform those energies. You're greeted with another intense day where your sensitivity to what's beneath the surface is increased as you are asked to be the Master Spiritual builder on the material plane so allow yourself to surrender to who you are and let your thinking expand to the benefit of all humankind in a balanced way from your center. You are then asked to withdraw and reflect on your vision of what can be and follow your intuition so you can reconstruct any "false thinking" or "false beliefs" that limit your expression of you. The goal of this period is to bring Universal Harmony into the world of everyday affairs by understanding the intangible values of the Spiritual realm and then forming them into a workable plan on the material plane.
SEPTEMBER 5 to SEPTEMBER 11, 2010 (23/5)
This week is full of adventure brought about by change which leads to freedom. Your abilities will be heightened so listen to your intuition about handling these energies constructively so you will not break away from situations when unwarranted. Rely on your quick perceptions so you'll know "when to hold ‘em and when to fold." You will find increased freedom which increases your sense of responsibility in your choices. You start the week with a day of easy flowing energies and spontaneity in order to examine and investigate any details that arise in your material affairs so use that to act upon anything that needs changing to move you to freedom. This leads to a day of reaping your rewards in preparation for new adventures to be shared with others to gain deeper understanding which uplifts everyone. Now it's a day of both seed and harvest as you use your imagination to mold your desires by staying connected to your intuitive Wisdom and inner sense of justice as you start the next step in your evolution. You come to a day that reminds you of the Spiritual areas you are to bring into the material so be receptive and remember there will be Spiritual messages everywhere today. Now you are reminded of the celebration of you that this month is about so rely on your intuition to keep you balanced in this restless energy. Then there us a highly intuitive day where you may meet challenges which are representative of the "old way" so broaden your thinking to find the "new way". You end the week with a reminder of the week's energy of adventure and change so be open to new opportunities. The goal for the week is to stay open to the spontaneity and your increasing abilities in your own way.
SEPTEMBER 12 to SEPTEMBER 18, 2010 (27/9)
A week of opportunities and experiences of you as your inherently just and wise self that maintains harmony and peace. Spend your time sharing your accomplishments to bring deeper understandings and your relationships will bloom. Use your creative mind and love of beauty (balance) to develop your ideas and bring them into manifestation. Be prepared for others to seek you out since they see you having an original approach to the solution of their challenges. Make sure your "solution" is a step toward harmony and peace. You start with a day of increased sensitivity to what lies beneath the surface so use that knowledge and be prepared to take the responsibility to put things into harmony so there will be peace and balance. It's time to withdraw, reflect and reassess using your strong intuitive energies to reconstruct the mental energy into a positive force so visualize what you want and make any mental changes necessary to manifest it. You have a day of underlying Master Healer and Teacher energies with easy flowing energies on the surface so accept the responsibilities that arise spontaneously to adjust anything in your material affairs and accept it all with courage and faith in the Higher Forces that ALL is in the right order. The energies of the week come to the foreground to remind you to assess how well you are using the energies and progressing. Now that you've done that you have a day to crystallize your desires with your imagination so you can begin manifesting your vision. A Master Messenger day comes to remind you to emphasize the Spiritual areas and manifest them so remain receptive to the messages and remember there will be messages everywhere to do assist in bringing balance into your affairs. You end the week with an intensification of the month's energy to assist you in remembering it's all about expressing you and your spirit in your own way. The goal for this week is to get comfortable with you as an intuitive, universally loving, balanced and benevolent individual.
SEPTEMBER 19 to SEPTEMBER 25, 2010 ([22])
This week will have the intensity of the Master Builder on the material plane underlying all of your experiences. The core idea is to understand what it means to "walk your talk" and to actually do it. It is through this process that you experience fulfillment and completion of who you currently are. Make sure you stay balanced in all you experience because you are building the foundation upon which the world can see the larger picture and bring the vision into practical form. You start with a highly intuitive day to help you learn the value of system and order to effect worthwhile conditions so if you have the urge to organize, do it. Then you have a day of restless energies so you can learn to use them constructively with patience, persistence and determination. A day that is inspirational and intuitive requires you to stay in balance and take the opportunity to stay in the flow of intuition and practicality so you can respond to events as they occur. Now it is time to withdraw and reassess as you are asked to be flexible and adaptable to adjust you in your efforts to demonstrate the truth and the Master Builder pushes you to think in large sweeping terms and do the work necessary to manifest those truths in your life as a foundation for all. A day of easy flowing energies and spontaneous abundance comes to you so you can take responsibility for the "good things" too because your work created them so don't hesitate to take what actions are necessary to reap the harvest. Another day of reaping rewards comes so you it's time to share your accomplishments while maintaining harmony and peace which will uplift others mentally, physically and Spiritually. You end the week with taking the lead in figuring out the purpose of the Higher Master vibration that is concerned with the balancing of the higher Spiritual energies and the material world so hold onto the awareness that there is more beyond your material world that will actually put everything into perspective. The goal this week is to master the currents that come into experience in duality that MUST be integrated to build the Universal Wholeness for the planet.
SEPTEMBER 26 to SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 (20/2)
You end the month with the energies that bring new plans, new purposes and new ambitions along with revelations and an opportunity to further develop your intuitive connection. This is a turning point and requires you to see the alternatives in all situations and act decisively. Be patient and allow your visions to guide you as you listen to your Higher Wisdom for guidance and direction. There can be no fence-sitting because you must make choices. As you begin this period of choices, you are given assistance by the Master Messenger sending you Spiritual messages that bring balance into your affairs so keep yourself in balance and aware of everything, be the observer. You have three days of experiencing the new energies of joy in yourself. The first is a reminder of the month's energy telling you to celebrate yourself as long as you don't get carried away by this restless energy. The second brings heightened intuition, ideas about how to organize the chaos of creation and challenges to the old ways which lead to ideas of living the new energy. Finally, you are pushed to live your own standard of life in your own way and enjoy the pleasures earned by your constructive efforts. You end this month and prepare for the Master month of October with the highest physical Master vibration that requires you to keep centered and balanced, freely give compassion and responsibility for others and accept that responsibility with courage and faith in the Higher Forces that all is in its right order which can bring healing as long as you give love and compassion to others without becoming a martyr. The goal for this period is to accept the revelations, pay attention to revelations, balance duality and be the peacekeeper and mediator.
© 2010 The Awakening Center, Inc.
Dr. Smith is a numerologist and metaphysician who has been practicing metaphysical healing and counseling for more than 30 years. If you want to understand your personal path and who you really are, she can be contacted by email at Rhonda@theawakeningcenter.com, by phone at (770) 517-3713 or through the website http://www.theawakeningcenter.com. You can listen to Rhonda and her guests on www.blogtalkradio.com/awake every Sunday at 6pm EST or join others seeking knowledge at www.theawakenet.org as well.
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