Astrology Journal
Written by Pam Younghans
Photo: A C-class solar flare as it was released by the Sun on May 25 (photo by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory)
WE'RE WORKING WITH a sometimes overwhelming amount of incoming information and energy now. With last week's Gemini Solar Eclipse and the upcoming Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse (on June 4), our primary challenge seems to be keeping our heads on straight, while still allowing movement into a new perspective and framework for our lives.
The chaotic mental energy is igniting fears and anxieties, which at first glance appears to be a negative -- but, this instability in our mental fields ultimately enables a shift in how we perceive reality and helps us learn a different way of handling our thought processes.
LAST WEEK, we had a whole series of Mercury (mental) aspects to work with, and that theme continues in the coming week. It appears we are meant to stay a bit off-balance for the duration of these two weeks between eclipses, so that we more fully release our attachment to the past and our old ways of navigating reality.
In keeping with that theme, our perception of time continues to erode. It's becoming increasingly difficult to know, upon waking from a night's sleep, what season of the year we are in, or what day of the week it is. Perhaps that is due to our extended journeys while we are in dream state, but it is also a reflection of the shift taking place in our waking state, where we are less confined and controlled by the structures and rules of the third dimension.
NEPTUNE is contributing to that sense of being in a dream world even when our eyes are open and we are moving through the day's routine. Neptune begins its retrograde phase next Monday (June 4), and so is now virtually at a standstill in preparation for that change in direction. The influence of a planet is increased when it is in this stationary mode.
So, the feeling of being out-of-body is likely to increase this week and be with us for the next week as well. It's more difficult to focus on concrete responsibilities with this Neptune effect, and we are more likely to daydream than apply ourselves to practical concerns. Add this to the fact that we're in that two-week "void" between eclipses, and it may be harder than ever to know whether we're awake or dreaming at any particular moment.
NEPTUNE'S PURPOSE is to emphasize the spiritual and creative components of our experience. The planet dissolves our attachment to the physical plane and transports us to a meditative or creative space where time disappears.
This altered state of consciousness is our reminder that we are more than physical beings, that there is another level of who we are and how we can express our essential energy. It also enables us to transcend the everyday stresses and greater crises of the physical plane, finding the "peace that surpasses understanding."
WE CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE of this energy this week and next, through continuing (or starting) a meditation practice, creative outlet, or dream journal. It may also be good to realize that our usual ability to manage physical reality may be a bit muted now. Pay special attention when driving or doing other activities that require focus -- it's best not to drift off into another dimension when going 60 mph on the freeway.
Overall, it may be harder to motivate ourselves to do the disciplined thing or the responsible thing during this time. Neptune tends to loosen our grip on the need or desire to accomplish in the practical world. For some, this can be a much-needed break from too much focus on productivity. For others, if their boat already is anchorless, they may tend to drift even further out to sea.
As with all planetary energies, we can see the potential for both positive benefits and less-constructive effects. As long as we keep our feet on the ground and remind ourselves to stay present to what we are doing at the moment, we can use this Neptune moment to strengthen our creative or spiritual practice in ways that will bring rewards throughout Neptune's five-month retrograde phase.
THE OTHER PLANETS keep us on our toes throughout the coming week. Nearly every day brings a combination of challenges and opportunities that we will need to stay alert to. Staying on our toes, figuratively speaking, will allow us to be flexible in our responses.
One of the three planets currently in Gemini -- the Sun, Venus and Mercury -- is involved in each of the interaspects this week. This means that the challenge to rise above the mind's limitations continues. The themes listed in last week's Journal are repeating, for us to keep refining and redefining: Communication, thought processes and mental health, curiosity and flexibility, and knowing of our truth.
THE BASIC QUESTIONS that Gemini always asks are sounding loud and clear: Are we in charge of our minds, or are our minds in charge of us? Do we allow mental fears to control our responses, or do we engage a deeper part of ourselves when navigating challenges? Can we calm the mind and use its power to enhance our earth-plane experience, or are we symbolically being dragged behind a horse running amok?
And, most importantly, can we tap into our Inner Voice, which has the answers to all of our concerns? This Inner Voice arises from a calm and peaceful place, and is not affected by the mental shenanigans we often engage in.
The great news is, with Neptune's influence strong, we can more easily let go of the mental debris that is being stirred up now. And, this release work will enable us to drink more deeply from the clear-running stream of pure intention, serenity and truth that we each have within.
Navigating the Changes of 2012:
Astrological Timing and Insights for the Last
Six Months of this Auspicious Year!
A Live Teleclass with Astrologer Pam Younghans
Thursday, June 14
Facilitate by Wellness Educator Elsie Kerns
Thursday, June 14
4 to 5:30 pm PDT | 5 to 6:30 pm MDT
6 to 7:30 pm CDT | 7 to 8:30 pm EDT
Cost: $25. The class will be recorded for download and replay.
To register: Visit
THIS TELECLASS will be held just 10 days before the first Pluto-Uranus square! This revolutionary, transformational, major planetary event has the potential to change the landscape of the world as we currently know it. Its influence will be working with us throughout the rest of 2012.
During the rest of 2012, we'll also be working with the energies of the May-June eclipses and the Venus-Sun occlusion, as well as a strong Saturn influence and the effects of the solstices and equinoxes.
If that sounds like a lot to juggle, you're right! And that means we'll have plenty to talk about.
Join Pam Younghans, Astrologer, for a closer look at the planetary influences in effect starting in June and taking us through the rest of 2012. Facilitated by Elsie Kerns, Wellness Educator, this 90-minutes class will provide the dates of major astrological events and the insights and information to help you navigate the continuing changes that will be coming our way in the next six months. Highlights include the effects of:
• The transformative Pluto-Uranus square (exact June 24 and September 18) and the dates that Mars will trigger those energies
• Saturn's last months in Libra and the shift into Scorpio in October
• The Solar and Lunar Eclipses in November, and how they will change the landscape
• The karmic nodal axis shift from Sagittarius/Gemini into Scorpio/Taurus in August
• The supportive Saturn-Neptune trine in October
• The June 20 Solstice, the September 22 Equinox, and the December 21 Solstice
How to Attend: You may listen in and participate in the live teleclass by phone or online. Instructions are included in your registration information. If You Cannot Attend the Live Class: If you register for the teleclass, you will receive a link to the class recording afterward. This means you will have a recording of the class even if you are not able to attend "live." How to Register: To register, please visit:
We hope you will join us!
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