Sunday, April 29, 2012

Planetary Energies for April 30 to May 6, 2012

Astrology Journal
Written by Pam Younghans
Photo: Aurora borealis seen on April 25 from the North Fork of the Flathead River in Glacier National Park, Montana (photo by Kameron Barge)

THE FULL MOON next weekend is the highlight of the week's astrological news. We began this current lunar cycle with the Taurus New Moon on April 21, with opportunities to plant seeds for a heightened level of personal awareness and global consciousness. Now, with the Full Moon in Scorpio, those seeds are sprouting and providing tangible evidence of the inner transformation we been experiencing.

The Sabian symbol for the 17th degree of Scorpio, the position of the Moon at the time of the lunation, provides powerful imagery of the potentials of this time:
"A woman, fecundated by her own spirit, is 'great with child': A total reliance upon the dictates of the God-within."
We are learning, more and more, to rely on our internal connection with creative source energy for solutions and perspectives. We are knowing more fully the strength of our wisdom and gaining in our ability to stay centered within our knowing, less controlled by the opinions and reactions of others.

THIS SCORPIO FULL MOON is a powerful influence to work with, and requires that we be both very clear in our motivations and in charge of our reactions. Scorpio always provides us with a clear choices in how we want to utilize our power -- whether we lower our vibration and engage in power struggles and manipulations, or instead choose to invoke the more refined vibration that is always available to us as our higher self.

Scorpio is the only sign of the zodiac to have more than one animal symbol -- in fact, there are three commonly used: the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. Each of these three provides insights into the choices provided by this sign. 

WHENEVER we work with Scorpio themes, we have the option of utilizing the wisdom and clear-seeing of the Eagle to perceive our reality from a higher perspective. The Eagle is able to see both the dark and the light, and does not judge either as "good" or "bad."

We also can choose to use our challenging experiences as the Phoenix uses the fires of purification -- as the gateway into our next evolutionary phase, and an opportunity to become more fully our higher self.

Or, we can choose to wallow in the mud of resentment, suspicion and anger along with the Scorpion, and take every opportunity to strike back against those we feel have threatened us in some way.

OTHER PLANETARY ASPECTS this week provide mostly minor challenges and opportunities. Mercury appears to shoulder most of the heavier weight, through challenging aspects to Neptune on Tuesday, Mars on Thursday, and Chiron and Saturn on Saturday. The supportive Venus-Mercury sextile on Thursday may provide some relief, but in general, Mercury-ruled activities such as communications, travel, meetings and planning sessions may meet with minor obstacles this week, requiring us to be flexible, courageous and patient.

Uranus is trine the North Node throughout the week (exact on Monday), an aspect that can assist us in letting go of the mental patterns and worries that have inhibited our ability to trust our deeper wisdom. And, that ability to trust our intuition may be tested on Saturday, as Mars squares the Nodes and Saturn opposes Mercury.

MARS IN VIRGO is confident that answers are to be found through logical, practical assessment and action, while the North Node in Sagittarius tells us that our best solutions are arrived at intuitively and spontaneously. Saturn in Libra requires rational, cautious, fair-minded judgment, while Mercury in Aries has an idea and plunges ahead without much thought to consequences.

We will each need to find our personal place of balance amidst these conflicting perspectives and motivations. The good news is that with the Full Moon lighting Saturday's night sky, we should have an enhanced ability to navigate our way through any darkness, and to bring light into what were once shadows.



NorthPoint Astrology Blog: My most recent blog entry (dated April 29), entitled "The solar pole shift: Our choice point," discusses the effects of the current shift in the Sun's magnetic poles. To read the post, please visit -- I look forward to your comments! To Subscribe to the NorthPoint Journal: If you have been forwarded this issue of my NorthPoint Astrology Journal and would like to receive it directly every week, please click here. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the webpage, fill out the subscription form, and click on Submit. To request a personal astrology reading, please e-mail Pam at Or, see the "Readings" page at to learn more. Please feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2012. All Rights Reserved.

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