Sunday, December 5, 2010

Astrological Energies December 6 to 12, 2010

Astrology Journal
Written by Pam Younghans

OUR TETHER-LINE to this earthly reality is less tangible now. This is due in part to Uranus being stronger than usual. This highly-wired planet is at a standstill today, which amplifies his effect, giving us "caffeine jitters" even if we don't drink coffee. And, the third and final Uranus-Jupiter conjunction is just a month away (exact January 4), creating even more nervous energy since Jupiter exaggerates the influence of whatever he touches.

Freedom-loving Uranus and gregarious Jupiter are not very helpful when it come to self-discipline or self-denial, especially with the twosome in imaginative, mystical Pisces. This means that our attention span and linear thinking are not the greatest right now -- and Mercury will only add to the effect when he goes retrograde on Friday! Yikes.

WHILE WE MAY NOT get a lot done in practical terms over the next few weeks, the good news is that we will be more open to alternate perspectives and more able to receive the insights that are available when we tap into Higher Consciousness. The difficulty may be in getting those insights into a form that we can utilize later.

If you are someone who already spends a fair amount of time in "other" realities, it may be hard to come back down to earth now. Do your best to stay grounded -- walk the dog, cook a hearty meal (root vegetables are helpful), get your hands or feet in the dirt if you can, get a massage, or go hug a tree (really).

WITH URANUS SLOWLY beginning his forward journey, over the next few weeks we should start to see some breakthroughs in areas that have been either on hold or in chaos since Uranus went retrograde last July 5. This is good news for those of us who have been wondering when THE change was going to occur.

As always, however, Uranus can correspond with either breakthroughs or breakdowns, depending on how much we are resisting the changes that are needed to put us on our True Path. We need to be very flexible now, going with the flow of what occurs, and trusting that "the universe is unfolding as it should."

WE ARE ALSO already feeling the influence of the upcoming eclipses, in particular the Total Lunar Eclipse on December 21. The energies of an eclipse are strongest within a week or two on either side of the event, and now, with the New Moon behind us, we are drawn into that energy even more.

I'll talk more about the Solstice Gemini Eclipse in the next two issues of this Journal. For now, it is enough to know that we're inside a major energy wave and, just like being inside the curl of an ocean wave, it's taking a lot of concentration to stay on our boards.

OTHER PLANETARY INFLUENCES this week pale a bit in comparison to this energy wave we've just described. As mentioned, Mercury does go retrograde on Friday, which means we are advised not to make long-term decisions or sign important papers until the planet goes direct on December 29.

This recommendation stems from the effect of Mercury retrograde on our logical thinking patterns. We may not be as clear-minded under this influence, and details may be harder to track. If you do need to make those important decisions or sign your name to something over these next three weeks, be sure to doublecheck your facts, and ask a Virgo-type person to go over them with you.

The purpose of Mercury retrograde is not to cause us undue frustration -- it is, instead, our opportunity to REthink, REplan, REview, REconsider our options before going forward. And, it is a great time to look at life symbolically, to consider events as if they were dream images and to interpret their meaning accordingly.

MARS ALSO makes his presence known this week, as he enters Capricorn on Tuesday, meets up with the North Node next Sunday (the 12th), and prepares for his alignment with Pluto and Mercury on Monday the 13th. This alignment of all three of these planets, incredibly, occurs within one particular minute: from 8:10 to 8:11pm PST on December 13.

Mars in Capricorn usually indicates that we are in a time of conservative action, when we can direct our energies in responsible ways. The alignment with the North Node, Pluto and Mercury complicates this a bit, however.

We've been working with the Pluto-North Node alignment for a month or two now, seeing concrete evidence of our personal and global karma. This has corresponded with both a feeling of overwhelm in not knowing how to turn the karmic ship around, and an equally strong desire to resolve and release the patterns that have been exposed.

As Mars steps up to the plate, acting as a "trigger" to the Pluto-North Node influence, we may see important developments in our process of karmic resolution -- especially with retrograde Mercury involved. These events will be designed to inspire our living in greater integrity with the highest aspect of our being, and to help us become more conscious, more confident directors of our lives.



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