Saturday, March 21, 2009

Vernal Equinox - March 2009

Equinox brings the energy for powerful awakening and birthing a new purpose. This energy calls us to take a stand, to cultivate our faith and take action. During Equinox our core energies are activated allowing us to connect with the power centers within our Mother Earth. We are gifted with an opportunity to come into union with our Creator, the Great Spirit, and to become powerful channels of unlimited love, light and wisdom. Channeling this energy into the power centers of Earth connects us with our destiny and creates a rainbow bridge of opportunity, moving us beyond our attachments and fears, revealing a deep inner freedom.

Opening our hearts and souls to the energy of Equinox, we discover new opportunities and the potential manifesting our loving desires in all spheres and in all situations. New values, concepts and ideas are forming within.

We know the power of our Spiritual and Human choices and if we move beyond judgment and limitation, we shall find that the key to our fulfillment and happiness lies within our own hearts and minds. We will find the wisdom of our true nature.

We are responsible for what each day brings and as we allow the light of this Equinox to activate our core energies, burning through our veils of illusion and attachment, our ability to fully embrace our destiny shines forth.

Our inner life will be electrified by the energies of the Equinox and powerful and unexpected events may surface, asking us to look deeply into the foundations of our current life circumstances. It is vital that we move with this energy by speaking our truth and making the necessary changes required to set us free from the confines of our past and the mistaken ideas and beliefs.

As the essence of love is being breathed into our world, wisdom and compassion are radiated directly into our hearts, awakening the knowing that all of life is a miracle. We are asked to live within the core of humanity as a bearer of unconditional love, bringing the essence of joy to our planet and demonstrating that we are all blessed beyond measure.

In opening to the energy of this time we discover the courage we need to live our truest passions, showing us our path to true liberation and freedom. Peace and contentment blossom within our hearts and we rediscover playfulness, innocence and adventure.

The Great Spirit purges our impure intentions, that which has brought suffering to our Souls. Our hearts, minds and bodies are purified, accelerating our personal evolution and allowing us to see through our patterns of attachment and addiction. We are encouraged to take the necessary steps required for our personal transformation. We ground the energy within our physical body, helping ourselves to become rooted and safe in a world of inevitable change and uncertainty.

Nature is our guide and many blessings of enchantment and beauty are brought to us now. Nature assists us in creating our New Earth and we seek to live life in reverence for all of life and to remember to give thanks for all that we are and for all that we have.

We are capable of a great transformation at this time and have the very real possibility of fully embracing and consciously knowing our own innate divinity. This is a time of celebration for all of life and the birthing of a new cycle of transformation.

Kate Spreckley Copyright © 2007 -